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Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

40 years of petroleum activities has resulted in cutting-edge, innovative and high-quality expertise, technologies and solutions.

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Wind Power

Wind Power

Norwegian offshore and maritime industry is utilising its heritage to deliver innovative and sustainable world class solutions for the offshore wind industry.

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Energy Systems

Energy Systems

Norway has a leading position in energy systems based on access of renewable energy, electrification of the society and well-developed competences and technologies.

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Hydro Power

Hydro Power

The hydropower industry in Norway offers innovative, high-quality and cost-efficient solutions in order to bring more renewable energy to the global market.

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Solar Power

Solar Power

The Norwegian solar industry ranges from a highly specialized and sustainable wafer fabrication to large and specialized global developers of solar projects as well as suppliers of technology and digitalisation tools.

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Leading technologies within oil & gas combining CO2 competence in the entire value chain, ensure that Norway has the solutions.

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Norway started with hydrogen and ammonia production more than 100 years ago and with the green shift our industry has the solutions for the future.

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Market Intelligence

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Oil & Gas
Internasjonal omsetning fra norske oljeserviceselskaper
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Oil & Gas
Cost-Efficient Solutions 1.1
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Wind Power
Solar Power
Hydro Power
Gjennomgang av Norges eksportstøtte, låne- og garantiordninger rettet mot fornybarinvesteringer i utviklingsøkonomier
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