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18 - 21 November Mumbai, India Add to calendar




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India, showing remarkable resilience in terms of Industrial growth, is registering a robust growth in the backdrop of COVID and other geopolitical challenges. With a huge and ever-growing appetite for Energy, India is bound to be a partner country for most of the energy players in the world.

After 18 years the signing of EFTA-India Trade & Economic Partnership Agreement is done which make India more attractive for Norwegian companies.

The sheer size of the economy makes it interesting for almost all types of energy plays be it Solar, Pumped hydro, Hydrogen, CCUS, LNG, Bio Gas, Battery and Traditional Oil & Gas. However, to keep the delegation trip relevant and time bound, We request the Interested partners to choose among the below options as their areas of primary Interest (Max 3). We will then focus the delegation meetings, match making and content upon the top 3 chosen areas only. Please send your primary interest to Eirik Melaaen.

  • Oil & Gas
  • LNG
  • Offshore Wind
  • Solar
  • Pumped Hydro
  • Bio Gas & Battery
  • Hydrogen

The focus of this trip is B2B matchmaking.  Please see further information on the following program:

View detailed tentative programme

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