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9 - 10 October Aberdeen, UK Add to calendar
P&J Live, Aberdeen View on map




The UK floating wind industry is heating up following the recent award of support for the construction of the Green Volt wind farm in the latest UK Allocation Round. While some developers may have faced disappointment, this award is a significant milestone, renewing confidence in the floating wind market and its potential for growth.

Join us in Aberdeen for the Floating Offshore Wind Conference, jointly organised by RenewableUK and Scottish Renewables. We will meet with developers and key industry players, including major ports and companies preparing for next year’s AR7 bid.

Team Norway is hosting a series of workshops, business meetings, B2B activities, and networking opportunities throughout the conference, connecting you with critical decision-makers in the floating wind sector. Developers such as COP, Corio, SSE, and SPR have already expressed interest in meeting with Norwegian suppliers.

In addition to the ScotWind and the INTOG projects, offering opportunities to suppliers in the short to medium term, the upcoming Celtic Sea winners will provide a further 4GW of project opportunity.

With Norway's expertise in floating wind, this event provides a unique platform to showcase your solutions and capitalise on the strong relationship between Norway and the UK in the energy sector.

Do not miss this opportunity to position your business in the growing UK floating wind market!

Preliminary Programme:

9th and 10th October:

  • B2B Meetings: Please update your UVP in our Technology and Solutions database by Friday, 22nd September for targeted facilitation.
  • Business meetings: Gain a deeper understanding of developer needs short term and establish relationships with global floating wind experts.
  • Networking lunch: Connect with key developers and stakeholders.

A full programme will be added soon.

Practical information


  • Non-partner: NOK 3750 (Excl. VAT)
    Partner: Please contact for  partner price
  • Please note that you must buy a separate conference pass to access the event. NORWEP Partners will receive a 15% discount code when registering for the delegation
  • All participants are responsible for their travel related reservations and fees, i.e. hotel, flights etc.

Floating Offshore Wind Conference

  • For more information about the Floating Offshore Wind Conference, click here
