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3 - 6 June Norway Add to calendar
NOVA Spektrum, Messeveien 8, Lillestrøm, Norway View on map




Main theme is #Future-proof

The only constant is change. In a rapidly evolving maritime and ocean industry, how can we work to find the strategies, solutions and partners to mitigate risk, maximise opportunity and meet ambitious climate goals? Understanding is key, collaboration is critical.

Once again, NORWEP is collaborating with Nor-Shipping, Clarksons and the GCE Ocean Technologies and GCE Maritime Cleantech clusters to organize the Nor-Shipping Offshore Wind Conference from 3 June.

Offshore wind developers, OEMs and the maritime industry engaged will meet to offer their views on how to fulfill ambitious project pipeline and construction targets. We will dive into both installation and O&M and ask major industrial panel participants; How do we meet vessel requirements, both technologically and in a timely fashion? To highlight the innovation involved, we will look both at new technologies and solutions, digitalization and not least sustainability in operations.
