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26 March, 15:00-16:30 (CET) Webinar Add to calendar
Webinar link will be sent to participants


NORWEP Partner: Free

Non-partner: Free

The number of CCS projects in various stages* increased from 48 to 58 in Canada and from 16 to 26 in Norway in 2024. Despite challenging times for green projects, 50 CCS facilities are now in operation globally and 44 are under construction. Moving into 2025, CCS is further cementing its position as a necessary and mature method for CO2 emission reduction in the hard to abate sectors.

In this webinar, you will hear about some of these projects and learn how Canada and Norway can collaborate to keep up the momentum. You will hear about how to enter the Canadian market first hand from successful Norwegian companies, how to collaborate through Horizon Europe and what is new in CO2 storage on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Sign up and join us on March 26th.


  • 15.00 CET: Welcome and housekeeping (5 min)
    Eirik Melaaen, Norwegian Energy Partners
  • 15.05 CET: How to make it in Canada/Experiences of doing CCS projects in Canada (15 min)
    Kristian Kjæstad, Chief Development Officer - Carbon Circle
  • 15.20 CET: CCS collaboration through Horizon Europe – joint calls for proposals (15 min)
    Tim Genge, NCP Cluster 5 - Innovation Norway
  • 15.35 CET: Status of CO2 storage at the Norwegian continental shelf (15 min)
    Hilde Braut, underdirektør Nye Næringer, Norwegian Offshore Directorate
  • 15.50 CET: Experiences of Testing at TCM (15 min) 
    David Phillips, VP Europe and Middle East - Svante
  • 16.05 CET: Developing low carbon energy projects in partnership with industry and indigenous nations (15 min)
    Stephen Mason, CEO - Reconciliation Energy Transition Inc
  • 16.20 CET: Glacier Gas Plant (phase 1 in operation – phase 2 under construction) (15 min)
    Erik Petursson, VP Policy and Carbon Markets and Sanjay Bishnoi, CEO - Entropy
  • 16.35 CET: Closing remarks (5 min)
    Tone Nymoen


Practical information 
  • This is an online webinar held in Teams

  • When signing up for this webinar, your email address will be made available to Norwegian Energy Partners and webinar speakers

This event is part of the NORWEP initiative on promoting Norwegian technology and solutions that lower emissions (LEOG). 
