Gunn Vik
Executive Vice President - Hydrocarbon & Emission Solutions
As a continuation of the Hydropower report launched earlier this year, NORWEP invites the energy industry to get the latest market updates and join discussions about the opportunities and challenges that the industry players are experiencing.
09:00 Welcome, Gunn Vik, NORWEP
09:05 Launch of updated Hydropower market report, Thomas Benestad, Gapgemini Invest
09:50 Two suppliers share their experience from selected markets
10:10 Q&A
10:20 The new Export Finance Norway and closing remarks, Vilde Grønn Larsen, Eksfin
10:30 End of webinar
This is an online webinar which will be held on Thursday 16 December, 09:00 – 10:45 CET
How to join the webinar
Register through the link above. The meeting will be made available for pre-registered attendants only and you will receive a link prior to the webinar.
The event will take place on the Webinar application Zoom.
When signing up for the meeting, you agree that Norwegian Energy Partners may register you as a participant with Zoom
You may attend the webinar by web browser in case company policy prohibits downloading the application
In case of any questions or need for technical support, please contact Rosemarie Frigstad Luke