Gunn Vik
Executive Vice President - Hydrocarbon & Emission Solutions
Norwegian Energy Partners, in cooperation with Solar Energy Cluster, will arrange a breakfast seminar with the purpose of bundling, focusing on digitalization as a crucial part of optimizing the benefits of hybridization. We will hear presentations from Norconsult, SHAREcat, Scatec, IFE and Linjemontage, followed by opportunities for networking and b2b meetings for NORWEP partners.
NORWEP Partner: Free
Non-partner: Free
08:30 Registration & Light Breakfast
08:45 Welcome
08:50 Short introduction of all participants
09:20 Governing the Weather Transients with Hydro Power, Øyvind Våland, Specialist Mechanical Engineer in Renewable Energy, Norconsult
09:30 Hybrid projects – what it takes + The green project platform (part of the NRC funded joint industry project), Terje Melaa, SVP Techology Solutions, Scatec
09:40 The HydroSun project: R&D for hybrid energy power plants, Erik Stensrud Marstein, Head of Research Solar Power Systems, IFE
09:50 New project opportunity in Mozambique, Øyvind Engelstad, SVP Projects Hydropower, Satec / Hitesh Kumbhat - Chief Financial Officer, Linjemontage
10:00 Digital solutions and bundling, Tom Haylock, Vice President - Sales & Business Development, Sarecat
10:10 Closing of plenary session
10:15 Mingling with opportunities for B2B meetings
11:30 End + Light lunch
B2B meetings are exclusively for NORWEP partners. Please book your meeting here