Jørgen Brandt Theodorsen
Director - Renewable Energy
Offshore wind opportunities in Italy
The Norwegian Embassy in Rome and the rest of Team Norway, invite potential industrial developers and Norwegian supply industry to a webinar on emerging offshore wind opportunities in Italy.
NORWEP Partner: Free
Non-partner: Free
The webinar will focus on a recent report commissioned by the Norwegian Embassy in Italy giving an overview of the sector and existing plans. Italy is currently revising its strategy and regulatory framework for offshore wind. A recent government call for interest attracted substantial interest by international actors. Some projects are already under construction.
There is a considerable momentum created by the Next Generation EU recovery plan, of which Italy will receive more than any other EU member state (more than 200 billion Euros), generating major administrative reforms and speeding up transition to renewable energy sources. The current security challenges have also created a new impetus for the Italian energy transition as such, but also for the Mediterranean area in general. These developments open opportunities for Norwegian companies offering products and services within the offshore wind sector.
Moderator: Jon Dugstad, Norwegian Energy Partners
Register at emb.rome@mfa.noto receive the report