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2024 NORWEP/NSTA Decarbonisation workshops report

2024 NORWEP/NSTA Decarbonisation workshops report

2024 NORWEP/NSTA Decarbonisation workshops report

A range of technologies will be required to keep the UK and Norway’s oil and gas industries bearing down on emissions, including platform electrification, while carbon capture and storage will help both nations achieve carbon neutrality. All approaches present challenges, but many cost-effective solutions already exist or are being developed by the world-class supply chains of the UK and Norway.

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Last year, the NSTA and Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) hosted two brainstorming sessions to provide a collaborative space for suppliers and operators from both countries to share insights and remove barriers to emissions reduction projects.

The same format was adopted for both events. Operators provided updates on their energy transition projects and outlined the issues faced. Hackathon-style breakout sessions were then held, enabling suppliers to hold in-depth conversations with operators about ways to unlock electrification projects, incremental decarbonisation schemes, for example, flare gas recovery, and CCS.

The NSTA has published a report which consolidates and presents – at a high level – the issues and opportunities which were discussed at the two workshops.

This report is part of the NORWEP initiative on promoting Norwegian technology and solutions that lower emissions (LEOG).