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Company contact

Thomas Sperle

Business Development Manager

+47 909 85 614

About Bravo Marine

Bravo Marine AS was established in 2016 by Jørgen and Rune Haave, based on an idea Jørgen got when he worked as a professional diver at a fish farm. By spending a large part of the working day underwater, trying to scrape off fouling from flotation collars and other farming infrastructure, it became clear to Jørgen Haave that there had to be a safer and more cost-effective method to clean fouling from round, curved and flat structures on fish farms. While today's cleaning work at fish farming facilities is mainly focused on net washing, safe and effective cleaning of the remaining underwater structure has been little in focus.

As a result of Jørgen's first idea, Bravo Marine has now developed C-RAY® ROV and C-RAY® HH, two products that will enable a safer and more cost-effective cleaning of farming infrastructure. The C-RAY® ROV is also the basis for the development of an offshore version capable of cleaning offshore aquaculture facilities and oil and gas structures.