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Company contact

Afrona Kodra

Commercial Manager Rigs

+47 922 67 493

About Esgian AS

Esgian AS: Driving Sustainability Across Rigs, Offshore Wind, and Shipping

Esgian, based in Norway, offers advanced digital solutions and consulting services across the offshore drilling, shipping, and offshore wind sectors. In the Rigs sector, we provide industry-leading tools for emissions management, market intelligence, and rig valuation, empowering rig operators, service companies, and financial institutions to reduce emissions, optimise market strategies, and obtain accurate valuations.

In Offshore Wind, our digital platform delivers insights into growth opportunities, installation processes, and country-specific data, helping clients navigate and succeed in the global market. For Shipping, our tools offer detailed analysis of global voyages, enabling businesses to optimise energy use, track emissions, and improve operational efficiency. With Esgian, businesses gain access to a comprehensive suite of digital tools to meet today's challenges and plan for a sustainable future - all in one.