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Company contact

Jens Abrahamsen

Managing Director

+47 99 25 32 07

About Naxys Technologies AS

More than twenty years ago, Naxys was established by engineers previously working for a subsidiary of Schlumberger (GECO Defence) focusing on cutting edge acoustic streamer/towed array technology for underwater naval applications.

Soon after its formation, Naxys started a collaboration with major Oil & Gas companies to utilize the technology for leak detection and condition monitoring of subsea pumps. Being able to cover a large area, having 3-dimensional resolution and not requiring line of sight to detect, the technology demonstrated capacity to fill a demand by the industry. Although proved to meet the functionality requirements for monitoring subsea oil&gas installations, the industry’s requirement for 30 years continuous deployment to 3 000 meters water depth was challenging. A program to solve the challenges was completed after 7 years of development and put Naxys in position to offer a unique suite of underwater sensors capable of handling extreme conditions and permanent deployment.