Anne Strømmen Lycke
NORSAR is an internationally recognized independent research foundation. We specialize in seismology and seismic monitoring.
NORSAR's core competence lies within seismology and applied geophysics. We carry out research and consulting projects worldwide, based on these disciplines. As an extension to this work, we develop software solutions for both research and industry.
Over the past 50 years, our research has contributed to innovative methods in automatic data processing and analysis of seismic data. We constantly work with new ideas and ways to further develop our expertise. In this context, we promote geoscientific research for the benefit of Norwegian society and for customers around the world.
We use our expertise to solve a wide range of tasks. The most important is the observance of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), where we are responsible for the operating the Norwegian contribution in of one of the world's most advanced monitoring systems, which we use to listen for earthquakes and possible nuclear explosions.