Log in / Create a new user account
As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events.
Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most.
As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events.
Please note, all users have to create a new user account on the new website.
To create an account, please click on “Partner log in” and then on “New user”. Fill out the user registration form and confirm your email address.
You have now successfully created a NORWEP user account. If you would like to get technology and market specific information and invitations, we highly encourage you to add your interests under “My Profile”.
The company profile is used on the partner page to introduce your company, its main contact and the different technologies and solutions that your company offers.
To edit the profile, please click on the the button that says "Hey, YOUR_NAME" and then chose "Company Profile".
On the Company Profile page, please scroll down and click on the "Edit company profile" button. This opens the forms where you and enter and edit your company details and your main company contact.
When you are satisfied with the content, you simply click on the "Update" button and your updated company profile gets published.
The Technology and Solutions database is a searchable database that contains more than 1000 technological solutions. We will actively promote it to our network and the companies that we meet and interact with. this market channel is a unique opportunity for you company “to be found” on www.norwep.com for any potential client or engineer around the world looking for technology, solutions or services.
Start off by logging in with your user at the norwep.com website. If you are not registered already, please do so by clicking on "Partner log in" in the top menu and then "New user".
Please note that you have to be a "owner" to be able to publish on behalf of your company. If you are not already, then you can be granted this status by another "owner" in your company.
When logged in, head in to the dashboard by clicking on the button that says "Hey, YOUR_NAME" and then choose "Dashboard".
Then click the "Add new technology/solution +" button.
Choose one or more categorizations that describes your product or service:
Then select the correct Submission type to indicate what you are offering, the Name of your product/service and of course a Description that gives the essence in your value proposition.
The following topics must all be described to have your submission approved:
1. Describe the product/service.
2. Describe the added value it creates for the customer (value proposition).
3. Describe its relation to Capability conditions.
Use enough words to make it worth reading, but stick to the point and avoid company descriptions etc.
Next you indicate the Technology readiness level (TRL). Please read our guide on TRL if you do not already have a clear picture of what it is.
Finally add References and weblinks to boost you case, if you have any. No need to enter your main website here, that's already covered. Enter links to e.g. references or product pages.
That's it! Click on Send for approval and wait for our people to do their magic and approve if everything is ok, or sending it back to you if it needs more work.
We use TRL as an indicator to show the readiness of the Technology & Solutions published on the norwep.com website.
Setting this correctly gives your potentional customers a good image on how ready your product or service really is.
Unproven idea/proposal Paper concept. No analysis or testing has been performed. Also use this when TRL is not applicable.
Concept demonstrated. Basic functionality demonstrated by analysis, reference to features shared with existing technology or through testing on individual subcomponents/subsystems. Shall show that the technology is likely to meet specified objectives with additional testing.
Concept validated. Concept design or novel features of design validated through model or small scale testing in laboratory environment. Shall show that the technology can meet specified acceptance criteria with additional testing.
New technology tested Prototype built and functionality demonstrated through testing over a limited range of operating conditions. These tests can be done on a scaled version if scalable.
Technology qualified for first use Full-scale prototype built and technology qualified through testing in intended environment, simulated or actual. The new hardware is now ready for first use.
Technology integration tested Full-scale prototype built and integrated into intended operating system with full interface and functionality tests.
Technology installed Full-scale prototype built and integrated into intended operating system with full interface and functionality test program in intended environment. The technology has shown acceptable performance and reliability over a period of time.
Proven technology integrated into intended operating system. The technology has successfully operated with acceptable performance and reliability within the predefined criteria.
We support Markdown to enrich the value proposition text.
Currently, images can only be inserted this way.

The superuser is important to maintain your company's content on norwep.com
Each NORWEP partner has at least one superuser (owner). There is not limit for how many superusers the company can have, but we recommend to keep it tight.
To make someone a superuser (owner), please contact support@norwep.com.
The account is created based on personal level. What happens when this person leaves the company and has forgotten to hand this over to another person?
To make someone else a superuser (owner), please contact support@norwep.com.
All UVPs from norwegiansuppliers.no have been migrated to the new norwep.com
Is something missing? Please contact support@norwep.com.
Maximum 800 characters describing solution and highlighting tangible value to customer.
The written text could go along the following narrative:
1. Client problem (that client will recognise) =>
2. Technology/solution =>
3. How the technology/solution addresses client problem/issue/challenge =>
4. Value in terms of GHG savings or profitability/financial value
Please also note that the synopsis should be a coherent text.
Bad example:
“Production optimisation widget (X) was developed over 15 years by a team of 5 engineers and is the best on the market for subsea wells”
Good example:
“Solutions to address late life liquid loading in subsea gas wells are difficult and often costly to implement.
Production optimisation widget (X) has been developed for remote low-cost deployment.
It has been field proven to consistently deliver (Y) % incremental barrels of oil equivalent per year when deployed in subsea wells, offering pay back times between 12-24 months whilst reducing emissions by (Z) %”
(based on well production rate between (A) & (B)k boe/d and $60/boe assumed market price deck; emissions reduction assumed based on 1% production efficiency equals (C) T CO2 reduction)
Watch the recording to learn more about how to create and use ones user profile, how to update company profiles and unique value propositions.