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Ulrich Bünger

Senior Energy Advisor Hydrogen, CCUS & LNG

Born in northern Germany, Ulrich holds energy engineering degrees from Germany and the US. He has devoted most of his 31 years business life to systems analysis and research work in renewable hydrogen energy at Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik in Munich until June 2021 and 10 years as part time professor at NTNU. He actively participated in the development of the European hydrogen energy strategy by a series of cornerstone projects, becoming the basis for his wide network of European partners in industry and research. Among other projects he coordinated the first European funded fuel cell vehicle project H2movesScandinavia in Oslo and Copenhagen in 2009. As part of comparative assessments he also studied a variety of conventional energy technologies as benchmarks including natural gas (CNG and LNG), among others during his time as Marie Curie research fellow at SINTEF. Since July 2022, Ulrich is independant freelance consultant in hydrogen energy technologies.