Svenn Haugen
Director - Global Pursuits & Strategic Accounts
Technology readiness (TRL)
As wells mature, the natural reservoir pressure declines, impacting production rates. When the well's production rate falls below a certain economic threshold, it becomes necessary to consider artificial lift methods like gas lift to maintain production viability. Traditional gas lift systems utilize preset valves that may not be adequate to these changing well conditions over time. This can lead to suboptimal production and the need for frequent well interventions.
To overcome this limitation, Emerson and Interwell have in a joint effort designed, build, and qualified an electrically operated Adaptive Gas Lift System to API and AWES standards. The extensive and field proven PTC gas lift valves, coupled with an innovative electrical actuation, data, and power transfer system, utilizes E
Svenn Haugen
Director - Global Pursuits & Strategic Accounts