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As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events. To create an account, please fill out the registration form on this page, and confirm your email address (you will get an email from us after you have clicked on the “Register” button). You have now successfully created your NORWEP user account.

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Value proposition

iQx Ex is designed to save and leverage drilling experiences, empowering the user with invaluable insights and enhancing operational efficiency. iQx Ex facilitates the gathering, storage, and analysis of experiences and lessons learned in centralised cloud native archive. iQx Ex reduces the risk of data loss or inaccuracies through human error. By providing standardized templates, powerful search functionality, and more efficient workflows, Ex ensures consistent documentation across multi discipline teams, fostering a culture of accuracy and accountability. IQx motivates the user to embrace learning and continuous improvement. By facilitating the sharing and analysis of experiences, our software creates a dynamic environment where valuable insights are actively sought and applied.

Company contact

Øystein Andersen

VP AGR Software

