Kjell Ove Ulstein
Sales & Marketing Director
Technology readiness (TRL)
‘NetZero’ oil & gas production on FPSOs implies a system preventing emissions to atmosphere by containing GHG gases.
The Wärtsilä Flare Gas Recovery (FGR) and Hydrocarbon Blanketing (HCB) systems are part of the solution:
• It utilizes process gas for hydrocarbon blanketing of crude oil storage tanks during offloading
• recovers gas vented from storage tanks during tank loading
• eliminates routine process gas flaring
• utilizes process gas for hydrocarbon blanketing of crude oil storage tanks during offloading
This solution will typically reduce the carbon intensity of an FPSO installation by 2 kgCO2e/boe.
A typical example case demonstrates Net Present Value of 65 – 150 Million USD after 10 and 20 years operation respectively (without carbon tax).