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Value proposition

OTECHOS subsea booster pump/CR-P – Fills a gap in sub-sea pumping technology

Centric Reciprocating Technology (Patented) Unique action: Rotary Displacement Pump • Front and back rotor has two vanes each, both rotating in the same direction with variable angular velocity 90° out of phase • Elliptical gears drive the rotors and govern angular velocity via concentric shafts • Suction and discharge are formed in four voids between vanes. Ports arranged on housing for pump or compressor configuration • Each chamber expands and contracts twice per revolution. No valves needed • Each revolution yields 8 full pump strokes

Key properties • High performance, compact, small footprint • Modular, simple, repair friendly design • Robust and reliable, particle resistant

Company contact

Tallak Bakken

Sales and Marketing Manager

+47 98250393

Reference and weblinks
OTECHOS CRP Multiphase Booster Pump