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Value proposition

RePlug® is a cement technology that turns existing cement blend into a self-healing, gas-tight well cement, making wells safer.

How it works:

RePlug® reacts minerals with any water-based solution to metamorphose minerals into binders with pores and cracks that would otherwise be pathways for leaks, also after the blend is set. After the blend is set, the self-healing process remains active with an “eternal” perspective or until the reactive materials are depleted.


  • Seals leaks, micro-annulus and porosity
  • Seals the flow path and contributes to extremely low permeability
  • Absorbs CO₂ and resists both CO₂ and H₂S
  • Close to zero CO₂ footprint (EPD certified)
  • Use standard cementing equipment and procedures
  • Lower life cycle costs

Company contact

Ingvar Grannes


+47 469 48 496

Reference and weblinks
RePlug® weblink