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As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events. To create an account, please fill out the registration form on this page, and confirm your email address (you will get an email from us after you have clicked on the “Register” button). You have now successfully created your NORWEP user account.

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Value proposition

Through proficient engineering based on creative skills, we find solutions to challenges for our customers.

In this area we put your creativity to the test and utilize the complete value chain to solve, shape and refine solutions. The engineering assignments are usually led by our skilled project managers in close cooperation with our clients. The fact that we are a “one stop shop”, a supplier of the whole process from development to finished product, makes us a suitable partner in new projects.

We are experts in developing cost-effective, time & carbon saving solutions for our customers and we are always ready for challenging engineering projects.

Company contact

Nils-Olav Digre

Business Development Manager

+47 906 71 312

Reference and weblinks
Company website