Per E. Sørum
VP Business development / Sales
Technology readiness (TRL)
*Honeymooring™ is a new and cost-effective way of mooring floating wind turbines in a “honeycomb” network - using buoys, flexible lines and shared anchors. *Mooring & Installation cost is estimated to be 20% of a FOW-park CAPEX. *Honeymooring reduce the mooring hardware cost and installation with more 50%. *Honeymooring simplifies the installation and marine operations as the pre-tensioning is reduced by more than 50%. Hence smaller vessels are applicable. *As an example, using Honeymooring™ for the Utsira Nord wind park is estimated to reduce cost with 3 NOK (300’ Euro) per MW compared to a traditional mooring system. Honeymooring reduce the total capes with up to 10% for the FOW-park *Semar offers Structural Engineering and Marine Consulting as expertise.