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7 - 10 April Copenhagen, Denmark Add to calendar
BELLA CENTER, Center Boulevard 5, Copenhagen View on map



Denmark, Global

What's on offer?
  • Norwegian get-together dinner on 7 April 
  • Reception hosted by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Copenhagen on 8 April 
  • Business mixer at the Norway Pavilion 
  • At least 2 High-level thematic discussions at the Norway Pavilion featuring international offshore wind leaders.  
  • Business and B2B meetings with relevant potential customers  
Norway Pavilion

Separate registration and fees apply to be an exhibitor at the Norway pavilion. Contact Innovation Norway for pricing and other details.


Separate registration and fees apply
> Norwegian Delegation (early bird expired 31 January 2025) 
> WindEurope Conference & Exhibition
> Norway Pavilion (sold out)

Practical information

All participants are responsible for their own travel reservations and related costs. All participants are responsible for their own travel reservations and related costs. Room block reservation options:
> The Square and Strand
> Scandic Strandpark (near the airport): BOOK060425 Velg pris | Scandic Hotels 
> Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport Booking Link

Would you like to exhibit at the Norway pavilion?

Separate registration and fees apply to be an exhibitor at the Norway pavilion

WindEurope Conference & Exhibition details

Separate registration and fees apply for the WindEurope Conference & Exhibition pass
