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10 April, 09:00-16:00 . Export program Q1-Q4 2025 Add to calendar


Who should apply

In cooperation with Innovation Norway, we invite a group of Norwegian companies with relevant products and services to lower and manage the emissions in the O&G sector to participate in this Global Growth program. The company should have sustainable solutions in one or more of below areas:


  • Low carbon/emission solutions
  • Digitalization & AI
  • CCUS


  • Drilling & Well Technology
  • Reservoir optimization

What you get

Participating companies will gain information and market insights to understand, evaluate, and develop a new or improved export strategy targeting GCC countries. You will have the opportunity to present your technology, explore market opportunities, build networks and meet key industry players, customers and potential partners. You can expect to get:

  • Market information webinars
  • Knowledge exchange sessions on ways of doing business & business culture
  • Pitch training
  • Two market visits during 2025

Global Growth - Low Emission Solutions for O&G and Energy Sector of GCC Countries is supported by Team Norway, which consists of Innovation Norway, Norwegian Energy Partners, and Royal Norwegian Embassies in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh.

Tentative timeline (preliminary)

  • Planning & preparation (Q1 2025)
  • Go to market strategy (kick off) (Q1-Q2 2025)
  • 1st Market Visit (Q2-Q3 2025)
  • Follow up (Q3 2025)
  • 2nd Market Visit(s) (Q4 2025)
  • Follow up / Prepare for 2026 edition (Q4 2025)

We plan to run a similar structure program in 2026 to visit two or three more GCC countries that we don’t get to visit in 2025. The cost of participation in the 2026 program will be discussed and announced in Q4 2025.

More about cost

The participation fee is NOK 65,000 for large companies, and NOK 45,000 for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In addition, you need to cover the travel expenses.

*We define an SME as a company with less than 250 employees, and an annual turnover that does not exceed EUR 50 million or a balance sheet that does not exceed EUR 43 million. If the company does not meet both criteria, it is considered a large enterprise. Moreover, if a company is owned more than 25 percent by a large enterprise, it is not considered an SME.

Register your interest here
