Jian Guo
Senior Energy Advisor China
In collaboration with Innovation Norway, Norwegian Energy Partners organised a Norwegian pavilion at China Wind Power (CWP21) in Beijing, China, October 18-20.
China Wind Power (CWP) is known as China's most important and largest wind energy exhibition, and this year it is being arranged for the 12th time. CWP is an important meeting platform for Chinese and international wind power companies to meet and discuss business opportunities and industrial development, strategies and technology for tackling climate change, as well as a place to learn more about ongoing global energy transformations.
During CWP2021, a half day Sino-Norwegian offshore wind seminar was organised for the Norwegian exhibitors, which will was followed by a networking dinner event.
During the 14th Five-year plan period, 2021-2025, China's wind industry is expected to undergo explosive growth and see significant increase in installed capacity. China achieved a new record in 2019, installing 2.4 GW offshore wind in a single year, and was the world’s No. 3 offshore market in total installations.
At present, project developers and investors are rushing to commission their projects before the end of the 2021 deadline to capitalize on the Feed-In Tariffs for offshore wind. Considering the extraordinary volume of new capacity to be built in 2020 and 2021, it is expected that China will surpass the UK as the world’s largest offshore market in total installations by 2021.
Major effort will be put into CAPEX reduction and per KWH cost reduction as there will be no more incentive from the central government, and local incentives will be ended by 2023. Chinese offshore wind development will be going to deeper water and further from shore for the future, consequently, higher technical requirement will be in demand, especially for offshore wind service vessels, foundation, submarine cable, and offshore platforms.
• Norwegian pavilion at a prime location
• A half day Sino-Norwegian offshore wind seminar
• B2B meetings with potential clients and partners
• Networking reception