Håkon Skretting
Director Geomarkets
Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) and ONS are cooperating to bring you opportunities during ONS 2022. As a NORWEP partner, you are invited to enroll as a Hosting Company for exclusive access to international client delegations and help guide the delegates and get the most out of the ONS Week.
NORWEP Partner: Free
NORWEP and ONS will be inviting key international clients from selected markets to participate in the Delegation Visiting Programme during the ONS Week. The Delegation Visiting Programme is a coordinated and joint effort by the Norwegian energy industry to further develop relationships with business partners throughout the world.
NORWEP partners have the possibility to participate in this programme as a Hosting Company, with the opportunity to meet and interact with the international clients (Delegates).
NORWEP will facilitate meetings, activities and network opportunities between hosting companies and delegates through tailor-made programmes, including:
• pre-arranged meetings with hosting companies, at the ONS venue
• social networking arenas for hosting companies and delegations/delegates
• the ONS Conference & Exhibition incl. ONS International Markets sessions / Workshops
Please sign up to attend one of our Kickoff information meetings to find out how you can benefit from being a Hosting Company for the visiting delegations. For your convenience, the same kickoff information meeting will be held via Teams on Thursday 27 January and Thursday 10 February.
Agenda for both dates
• Introduction by ONS
• Delegation Visiting Programme 2022
• Delegates / Countries to be invited
• Hosting Companies package content and benefits
ONS is where industry, governments and society meet to shape and facilitate how we produce and consume energy. In 2018 the exhibition had over 68 000 visitors from over 100 countries, and more than 200 conference sessions with a total of more than 700 speakers.
ONS will be the driving force to secure energy is on the agenda, and to gather all players necessary to solve large and small energy challenges.
Please refer to ONS' website for general information and details of the ONS Week