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11 May, 15:00-16:30 (GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris Add to calendar



UK, US, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Guyana

Presentations by the following NORWEP partners with relevant solutions. Followed by Q&A, through the Zoom platform.

  • Digital twin for data driven lifetime extension and safe floating operations
    Leury Pereira, SURF Expert Services Lead, 4subsea
  • C-ALL Pulse for condition monitoring of actuated valves
    Reidar Eikeland, Cheif Technology Officer, ConditionALL
  • Kairos’ Control Room Assistant (CRA)
    Paul Seccombe, Sales Director UK/EU, Kairos Technology
  • Sharecat cloud software platform for information management and simple data use
    Tom Haylock, VP - Sales & Business Development, Sharecat

Practical information
This is an online webinar which will be held on Wednesday 11 May 2022 from 15:00 - 16:30 CEST Oslo. The webinar will take place on Zoom. When signing up for this webinar, your email address will be made available to Norwegian Energy Partners and webinar speakers. Please contact  for any questions / late registration or need for technical support.
