Klaus Udesen
Senior Energy Advisor Denmark
This registration page is for NORWEP partners only
NORWEP Partner: NOK 2600 (Incl. VAT)
Non-partner: NOK 2600 (Incl. VAT)
The Team Norway delegation to WindEurope is unfortunately fully booked, but as NORWEP partner you will have the opportunity to be part of:
Click "join event" button above to ensure your participation.
B2B Meetings and UVP
For the planning purpose of the B2B meetings and to ensure that you will get the highest quality output from the meetings, here are some steps we want you to take:
Update your UVP “Unique Value Proposition”. You can use this UVP as inspiration. Please include: a) contact details (email, ph) for your company’s contact person, b) link to the company’s website c) TRL - Technology Readiness Level, d) how you differentiate your product compared to other actors in the market.
Please upload your UVP on the NORWEP webpage here: Technologies & Solutions.
Send an email to Klaus (klaus.udesen@norwep.com) with the following:
- which company would you like to meet?
- specific area of interest/topics would you like to discuss with the company
Virtual information meeting
Please save the date for joining us for an interactive virtual (Teams) information meeting on Monday 17 April from 13:00 – 14:00. We will review the programme (meetings, B2B, speed pitching, event app), giving you a chance to get up to speed and ask any last-minute questions. We will send the invitation closer in time.
Specific questions can be directed to:
- B2B meetings: klaus.udesen@norwep.com
- App: felix@norwep.com