Geir Høiland
Senior Vice President - Business Development
Technology readiness (TRL)
Fluid change, polishing or flushing of fluids in wind turbines using the SOCOT® on a CTV or the SOCOTFlexPlus® as a TP or helideck solution: Both equipment pieces are efficient operating from a SOV. Onshore, the SOCOTFlexPlus® is used from a van with trailer for tank capacity.
Transportation and lifting oil tanks in offshore environment are approved in combination with UN-tank® and UNILIFT®. The tank frame is light weight, as the UNILIFT® carries the maritime requirements.
The SOCOT® plant is designed with umbilical, it is hydraulic wave/wind compensated by automatic tensioning including patented umbilical brake away rescue and safety device systems. The oil reservoirs are integrated with heaters.
SOCOTFlexPlus® is a smaller unit with safehouse useable during operation.